What is Improv?
Doing improv – or improvisation – is like putting on a spontaneous live play: the plot, characters and dialogue of a game, scene or story are all made up on the spot.
Improv is all about community, creativity, and connection. It has a range of positive mental health outcomes.
Tapping into your silly self develops confidence and makes you feel connected to those around you. Best of all, you start to see your life and yourself through a more open and non-judgmental lens.
Community, creativity and connection is the goal.
Examples of warm-up games:
- “Clap to names” A student claps towards someone else in the group by either saying that person’s name or asking what their name is. After saying the person’s name, the student “sends along” an action for them to do.
- “Story at a time” In a circle, the students create a story, one word at a time. The story does not need to make sense during warm-up time!
Examples of scene work:
- “Should have said” The scene starts with an audience suggestion. When an audience member yells out, “Should have said!” the student talking needs to quickly change the sentence they just said.